Valentine‘s day: promoting sexual health

Ana Priscila Freitas Lemos, Neuma Marinho de Queiroz Santos da Costa Cunha, Ricardo André Freire de Souza


Introduction: Aproaching sexual health is always a dare, especially in adolescence, a period of many doubts, uncertainty, insecurity. Therefore, the Primary Care team of Aparecida, in Natal –RN, programmed a sexual and reproductive health intervention for adolescents and young adults of this community, aiming to work this issue in a playful and practical way.

Objective: Approach issues related to sexual and reproductive health with adolescents of Mãe Luiza community, favoring the bond formation, expanding access to health activities of the unit and offering services as immunization, screening of sexually transmitted diseases and other activities.

Methodology or experience description: The action was developed by professionals of Aparecida unit, UFRN and Project "Viva Mãe Luiza". Participated in the activities the users at 10 to 30 years old, and the following services were offered: SUS card making; HIV testing, pre - test and post - test counselling; sex education; condom distribution; Pap test; Theatre; Pleasure tree; fluoride application; Immunization; blood pressure, weight and height evaluation, with BMI calculation; scheduling medical appointments, nursing, nutritional, psychological and dental.

Results: Participated of the action around 50 young people, a number considered satisfactory when taking into account the unit structure. Were checked PA and anthropometric data, and counselling about healthy life style. There was immunization in this age group. In the pre - test and post-test room was given counselling about prevention of sexually transmitted diseases. The sex education class demonstrated the anatomy of the male and female genital tract, contraception and clarified doubts. In theatre was addressed the importance of prevention in sexual intercourses. The pleasure tree spurred the reflection that every choice has consequences and risks.

Conclusions or Hypothesis: It is expected that such initiatives with young people establishes links with the Primary Health Care unit and these adolescents share with their peers the experience from such activities , implement them in their daily practice and learn that sexual experience is natural , necessary and can be practiced safely, without guilt or fear.



Primary Health Care; Health Education

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