Experiences of medical students in every department of a primary health unit

Izabela Aguiar de Faria, Vitoria Aguiar de Faria, Karen Leonel Bueno, Lara Louise Guimarães Silveira, Milena Aguiar de Faria


Introdução: The formation of conscious professionals that are integrated to health system requires knowledge about the importance and functioning of each health sector. This learning, acquired by monitoring closely the work of each sector, can lead professionals, in their future practical work, to work towards a better assistance.

Objetivos: Our objective is to understand how Primary Health Care is taken in the PSF "São Judas Tadeu" in Goiânia, Goiás. This allows the formation of more integrated professionals to the system, which benefits the Brazilian rural population that use health posts far from urban centers.

Metodologia ou Descrição da Experiência: During one year we made 8 visits to the Primary Family Health Care Unit of district São Judas Tadeu in a systematically way. This unit is located in the City of Goiânia, Goiás in Brazil. At each visit we interviewed professionals about the functioning of the sector and participated in the care to learn more about the reality. The areas visited were: buccal health, vaccines room, pharmacy, reception, "worth exam", doctor‘s office, triage and we followed health agents during home visits. In the interviews with the professionals we discussed issues on the functioning of the sector and about the suggestions of professionals to enhance them. The notes were organized for later analysis.

Resultados: Besides entering the student in the context of Primary Health Care and learning about the functioning, we still observed how the health unit service can be improved for rural populations. In buccal health, for example , lacked some basic supplies like gauze. In the vaccination room, we discovered that many vaccines are lost when energy goes out. In the pharmacy there were complaints of unreadable and poorly filled recipes by the doctors. At the reception, doctor‘s office, "woth exam" and triage professionals complained about the poor infrastructure , with damaged chairs , broken windows , mold on the walls , bad ventilation and lack of certain equipment as otoscopio and negatoscope.

Conclusão ou Hipóteses: This type of work provided students a general impression of Primary Health Care. Besides learning how the job works in each sector, we found some points of improvement. What we learned can be applied in our future work, as doctors, once we know closely about the most common problems in every sector.



Experiences; Health Unit

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