Longitudinality and the efficiency in health care

Lara Louise Guimarães Silveira, Rickella Aparecida Alves Moreira, Fernanda Karolinne Melchior Silva Pinto


Introdução: Longitudinality is an essential attribute of Primary Health Care. Because it enables the creation of link between the health professional and the user: through a personal relationship over time. Thus, improving the doctor-patient relationship, the health professional sees the patient as his own, and the patient sees on your doctor is an authority to take care of your health.

Objetivos: The aim of this study is to assess how longitudinality in the health service, in view of medical unit of primary care, positively influencing patients to trust the diagnosis and treatment as well as follow the recommendations passed.

Metodologia ou Descrição da Experiência: We interviewed some of the patients of the Primary Care Unit of São Judas Tadeu - Goiania, Goias - about the care offered in it for two months (October 2013 to November 2013). We were looking to find the vision of patients about the quality of medical care received and the level of confidence that these patients were regarding the physician which were ascribed. And compare the bond between doctor if patients with the time of service in the unit that the doctor had.

Resultados: We found out in the interviews that the health service was considered increasingly better with the passing of time. We also found that physicians who had more time of service at the Primary Care Unit generated the same confidence that older doctors - who were found to be more resolutive and knowledgeable doctors of medical science by the interviewees. While younger physicians who had less time working in the unit were cited as unsafe doctors in relation to medical knowledge and were therefore less reliable - which has led many patients to avoid consultations with them, seeking assistance in various pier and did not follow the treatment prescribed for them.

Conclusão ou Hipóteses: We conclude that longitudinality in health care is a key factor for attention to be effective. Once it creates conditions to create bond and consequent trust between doctors and patients, making the most efficient attention. Once the patient follows the medical guidelines, hospitalizations and overall healthcare costs are also reduced.


Longitudinality; Primary Care Unit

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